Is ”John Lennon’s Bag” pornography or art?
Mrs. Eugene Schuster wife of a Detroit art dealer, interviewed in her Detroit home believes the answer is Art. But a British magistrate will have the final say this month.
“John Lennon‘s Bag“ is the title of 14 lithographs depicting the Beatles, love life with his wife, Yoko Ono.
Eight of the lithographs were seized by Schuster, arrested yesterday in London, where the pictures were being shown in Schuster,‘s art gallery. A court case is scheduled for January 26.
One London art critic, said the lithographs, some of which show John Lennon‘s in various sexual positions, were not fit to be shown in a public lavatory.
But the black and white drawings done by Lennon on his honeymoon a year ago had attracted overflow crowds to Schuster‘s Bond Street Gallery during the abbreviated 2 1/2 day display.
“ I think someone is making a Tempest in a tea pot out of this thing“ Mrs. Schuster, said
“Lennon is a tremendously, creative individual and artist in every sense of the word. You can go into any junkie bookstore in London, and see far worse. I would have thought the British were more sophisticated, but I think someone was just out to get Lennon.“
Eugene Schuster, 33, a visiting owners of the London art gallery of London, New York and Detroit new center area.
“This is unusual for us“ Mrs. Schuster, said “we are usually very conservative and have followed a line of excellent modern painting. We got into some avant-garde things only recently. “In a way, it’s very ironic. We’ve been displaying about 80 major artist for several years and received a little publicity. Now we’re getting headlines over something like this“
Mrs. Schuster, who is experiencing her third child, expressed concern that her husband might not be able to return for its arrival.
“I’m due any minute and couldn’t go with him.” She said “but our solicitor (lawyer) in London feels he has a very good case and I’m sure he wants to stay and fight. “
In London, Mr. Schuster, termed the 14 lithographs “a comment on modern society“
Schuster, said 15 sets of John Lennon‘s bag were sold on the first day of the exhibition. They are priced at $1320 a set