With publication of the lithographs on the next five pages, John Lennon, master musician, promoter of peace, and one of the Now Generation’s most inspiring and kaleidoscopic figures, reveals still, another of his talents: that of an artist. Avant-Garde is pleased to present this portfolio of lithographs in which John celebrates his love for Yoko Ono.
Most of the famous couples of history Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Pat and Dick Nixon have left it to our imaginations to envision them joined in the act of love. But here, for the first time, a pair of famous lovers actually shows us how they express their love for one another. The erotic lithographs reproduced here are part of a larger set of fourteen that John has created and that are now being sold, in a limited edition of 300, by art galleries in New York, London, Paris, and San Francisco. The sets are priced at $1,000 each. John has also designed a magnificent white Italian leather carrying bag for each set. His title for the whole package is “Bag One” and he promises that other sets of lithos will follow. It seems as though John Lennon really is into a new bag,