Eugene Schuster

Eugene Ivan Schuster, American venture capital executive. Recipient Distinguished Alumni award, Wayne State University, 1968; Fulbright scholar, Warburg Institute, University London, 1962-1965, Courtauld Institute, University London & London School of Economics, 1962-1965. Member of Art Appraisers Association America, Detroit Art Dealers Association, Detroit Institute Arts, Founders Society.

EUGENE SCHUSTER: london arts gallery 1968

Mr Schuster Sells His Etchings Just Like Soap Powder

EUGENE SCHUSTER has made an extremely good thing out of etchings. DOREEN KING, Evening News, London 1968 He’s a bright young American who had the brainwave of selling modern art as aggressively as detergent, and as simply as groceries. At his Bond-street, London, galleries the casual customer can riffle through racks of unframed lithographs. Just …

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